Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Milestone One

The good news continues. A solid outing this morning with a 10K distance completed on 1:10:09, my best time ever for this distance. I am increasing my pace with 6 min. jog and 90 seconds walk intervals today. When I factor in that last night I took in a spinning class that went to almost 55 minutes, I'm pretty pleased with my progress.

My right calf is not bothering me at all. Oddly enough though, I felt a twinge in my left calf at the 5K mark and felt it pulling the rest of the way. Once I stopped it receded. I hope I haven't eliminated one issue at the expense of another. I'll keep an eye on this over the next day o so and see what transpires.

Other than that, I'm feeling very good about being back on the road. The weather is supposed to climb to double digits here this weekend, so should offer some great running. The fact I kept my cardio up over the last months is now paying dividends. Now it's time to move towards Milestone Two.

until next week,


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