Saturday, May 12, 2007

Milestone Three - 15 days to go.

I spent most of this week recovering from the blister on my left foot. I had planned to do a long run on Wednesday but decided to postpone this to Friday. The blister hadn't healed enough to permit three hours-plus of pounding the pavement. I had to abort last week's run at 20K due to my metatarcil problem, so I had to check if my body would allow me to entertain this challenge. So, ready or not, I committed to a long run of 30K (20 miles) on Friday to confirm I could get close to the marathon distance.

I was mentally positive and felt strong as I set out. I set up a plan to keep me from being overwhelmed by the distance I was about to cover. Rather than establishing one 30K route, I made the decision to run my regular 10K route three times. This would allow me to replenish my water and keep me motivated by not having so far to go if, for any reason, I had to stop. This turned out to be good decision and kept me going. a number of times.

Well, I completed the distance. I'm not going to bore or burden you with a step-by-step description about how it went or how I felt at the end. Bottom line, I did it. My metatarcil problem is still there but I was able to deal with it. I did implement my Secret Strategy and although it went well overall, I did discover on fatal flaw I will have to deal with between now and May 27th. I am quite sore this morning but cannot say I am exhausted or in extreme pain. In fact, mentally I feel quite positive and satisfied with my effort and accomplishment. I take this as good sign. Now to see if I can recover enough to do the same, and a little more, next weekend.

until next week.


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